Flo, Kaca and Petr published a new data paper in Nature Conservation. It provides an analysis-ready dataset on distributional data on 63 species of carnivores in Latin America. Apart from the common presence-only data, it also compiles 45,468 presence-absence records from camera traps. These are invaluable in species distribution modelling as they allow to estimate true probability of occurrence.


Gabri and Petr, together with GRACE project co-authors, published a new study in Landscape Ecology. It shows that nineteenth-century land use shapes the current occurrence of some plant species, but it only weakly affects the richness and total composition of Central European grasslands.

This is the first major outcome of our GRACE GACR project, and it’s mostly thanks to Gabri’s incredible work.

Here is a map of grassland sites included in the study:


On the 6th of January 2025 Melanie Tietje joined MOBI lab as a postdoc within the BEAST ERC project.

Welcome Mel!


Flo, Kaca, and Petr published a new study that explores temporal trends of occupancy and range size in 5 charismatic species of Neotropical carnivores.

We have found a generally declining trend in four species. These is alarming, more so given that these species had been classified as not threatened by IUCN. The official global threat status of these species may need to be re-evaluated. All this would be invisible if standard forecasts, local expert knowledge, or static threat criteria, such as range size, were used.


Francois started his PhD with us in tough covid times four years ago, he managed to survive all the pitfalls of the Czech system, produced some lovely papers and science along the way, and it was always fun. What a special day today.

Good luck Francois on your future academic journey!

Also, many thanks to the oponents David Hořák, Vladimír Remeš, Martin Bulla.

On the 1st of October 2024 Elisa Padulosi joined MOBI lab as a PhD student within the BEAST ERC project.

Welcome Elisa!


Frieda Wölke, Carmen Soria, Francois Leroy and Petr Keil attended the GfÖ Macroecology meeting in Marburg conference (12.-14. June 2024) at University of Marburg in Germany.

Francois gave a talk:

  • Leroy F, Jarzyna M, Keil P: Acceleration and demographic rates of bird decline in North America

We also had posters:

  • Wölke F, Soria C, Ortega G, Ueta M, Šťastný K, Bejček V, Mikuláš I, Keil P: Towards predicting temporal biodiversity changes from static patterns

  • Carmen D. Soria, Ortega G, Barták V, Wölke F, Ueta M, Šťastný K, Bejček V, Mikuláš I, Voříšek P, Keil P: Patterns of spatial autocorrelation for species distributions and diversity across time and spatial scales

  • Keil P, Grattarola F, Leroy F, Ortega G, Soria C, Wolke F: Nature in a mesh: common problems with gridded biodiversity data, and proposed solutions


Petr and Francois are co-authors on a new study led by our colleague Dominika Prajzlerova. The study tests if species diversity of birds can be predicted by various metrics of spectral diversity in the Czech Republic.


Flo Grattarola, Frieda Wölke, Káča Tschernosterová participated on the Empowering Biodiversity Research conference (24.-28. March 2024) in the Naturals Biodiversity Centre in Leiden, The Netherlands.

The focus was on aspects of biodiversity informatics and using biodiversity data for research and policy. The conference represented a great update on the progress and current work of some initiatives such as the European Commission (Directorate-General for Environment), GBIF, Biodiversa+, BirdWatch, BiCIKL, Data4Nature (private sector), MAMBO (monitoring), ARISE, DISSCO (collections); and information on initiatives/projects that collect/gather different data types: camera traps (Agouti), DNA-based ones (Naturalis, ELIXIR, VIB UGent), specimen collections (Meise Botanic Garden), culture collections (MIRRI), taxonomy (COL connection with GBIF, TETTRIS), sound and images (Naturalist), remote sensing (LifeWatch, MAMBO).

Káča presented poster titled: SPARSE 1.0: a template for databases of species inventories, with an open example of Czech birds with Eva Tráníčková, Florencia Grattarola, Clara Rosse and Petr Keil as co-authors. For more info about the content see the associated paper in Biodiversity Data Journal.


Manuele has published his first paper in Journal of Ecology presenting results of his COCOS Marie Curie project in MOBI lab. The paper explores how grasslands (specifically, their biomass) resist extreme droughts, and how they recover if they get hit. Spoiler: It depends on biodiversity.

There is also a lovely blog post explaining what are the main findings. Check it out!

Congratulations Manu!


Are you a master student in your final year? Are you pondering carreer in research? I offer a fully funded, 3+ years, full-time PhD position in space-borne remote sensing and biodiversity.

The position is part our ERC-funded project BEAST (“Biodiversity dynamics across a continuum of space, time, and their scales”) which studies how biodiversity has changed in time at local, regional, and continental scales, during the last 50 years. The focus is on terrestrial taxa (vertebrates, plants) and facets of biodiversity which can be remotely sensed from satellites.

The candidate will analyze temporal change of remotely sensed spectral diversity, i.e. diversity of spectra captured by spaceborne satellite sensors such as MODIS or SENTINEL. The practical goal is to link this spectral diversity with locally measured taxonomic diversity (and to test the so called “spectral variability hypothesis”), and to investigate if the remotely sensed biodiversity change can be used as a proxy for temporal change of taxonomic diversity.

How to apply?

Details, requirements, salary, and application instructions are here. Application deadline is 4th of February 2024.

We have attended the 11th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society (7-11th January 2024, Prague, Czech Republic). Huge thanks to the organizers, particularly to Anna Toszogyova and David Storch from CTS!

These were our posters:

  • Leroy F, Jarzyna M, Keil P: Acceleration and demographic rates of bird decline in North America

  • Soria C, Ortega-Solis G, Bartak V, Stastny K, Bejcek V, Mikulas I, Keil P: Spatial autocorrelation of diversity and distributions in time and across spatial grains

  • Bazzichetto M, de Belo F, Perrone M, Gotzenberger L, Keil P: Biodiversity-related mechanisms of ecosystem resistance under compoud dry-hot extreme events

  • Ortega-Solis G, Mellado-Mansilla D, Craven D, Kreft H, Diaz I, Tello F, Tejo C, Armnesto J: Distribution and effects of trash-basket epiphytes and tank-bromelias on canopy biodiversity and ecosystem functions

  • Mellado-Mansila D, Weigelt P, Kessler M, Craven D, Zotz G, Kreft H: The global distribution of ferns with chlorophyllous spores

  • Tschernosterova K, Travnickova E, Grattarola F, Keil P: SPARSE 1.0: a tamplate for databases of species inventories, with an open example of Czech Birds

  • Grattarola F, Tschernosterova K, Keil P: Evidence of neotropical carnivores’ continental geographic range contractions over the last two decades

And some of us gave talks:

  • Wolke F, Cabral A, Lim J, Kissling WD, Onstein R: Africa as an evolutionary arena for large fruits

  • Keil P, Clark A, Bartak V, Leroy F: Connecting spatial scaling of biodiversity change to per-individual ecological processes


In January 2024 Gabriele Midolo joined MOBI lab as a postdoc to work on our GRACE project.

Welcome Gabri!


In a new paper led by Francois (Leroy et al. 2023 Ecography), we show how temporal change of species diversity can be decomposed to processes of extinction, colonization, and recurrence, and how this all plays out at different spatial scales. There is both substantial theory as well as a big empirical example of Czech Birds.

This is a major analysis in the context of our research in MOBI lab, and it is important for understanding of what’s been going on with biodiversity in the Anthropocene.

The paper also marks a crucial emerging collaboration of MOBI lab with Czech ornithologists and/or other members of our university, namely Jiri Reif (Charles University), Zdenek Vermouzek (Czech Society for Ornithology), Karel Stastny (FZP CZU), Vladimir Bejcek (FZP CZU), and Ivan Mikulas (Czech Society for Ornithology). Special thanks to Eva Travnickova for the work on the Czech bird atlas cards!

Scientifically, the paper deals with a complex problem, and Francois has managed to put it all together brilliantly, more so given that this was the first major quantitative analysis of his PhD. There were endless discussions over whiteboards, many dead ends, some frustrations, and all the struggles that necessarily come with exploring of a new scientific horizon, managing a large and messy empirical dataset, developing new theory, applying new analytical tools, and handling a multi-author situation.

Some say that PhD students should start with simpler tasks and move to more complex problems later, as they progress. This was not the case - substantial parts of the research were as new to me as they were to Francois. This made it more risky and frustrating at times, but also more fun, and in the end more rewarding.

Congratulations Francois, I’ve learned a lot, and I am looking forward to further explorations with you!

In a new publication by MOBI lab members (Tschernosterova et al. 2023 Biodiversity Data Journal), we present a template for biodiversity databases that can store historical data on species inventories.

Biodiversity inventory is an event during which one or more experts survey a given site for all species, the experts report their survey methodology and effort, together with the list of species that they detect, sometimes with information on abundances or population densities. Inventories present a more valuable sources of data than presence-only observations aggregated by, e.g., GBIF. Literature is full of published inventories, and so mobilizing and digitizing them would be super valuable. However, the existing Darwin Core standard (used by GBIF) is not optimal for such data. Extensions to Darwin core, such as Humboldt core, have been proposed, but they are not yet full operational. In the new paper we propose a simple database structure based on Darwin core and Humboldt core that can store inventories, and that can be used by researchers with minimal knowledge of databases.

The template comes with a substantial new dataset on Czech birds (348 sites, 524 sampling events, 15,969 species-per-event observations).

We hope that this will be useful!

Too many things happened this fall, and I didn’t have time to report them. So here is the “best of”:

Dani has joined MobiLab. In Oct 2023, Deniela Mellado-Mansilla joined MOBI lab as a part-time data technician. Welcome Dani!


MOBI lab has registered for IBS annual meeting. You will have the opportunity to meet us at the International Society of Biogeography 11th Biennial Conference on 7-11 January 2024. Petr, Carmen, Manuele, Francois, Frieda, and Gabriel will be there with their posters and talks!

Petr gave an interview for ekolist.cz (in Czech). This is an interview about our research, the new ERC project BEAST, and some additional thoughts. Many thanks to Martin Mach for the patience with me!

MOBI lab, BEAST, and GRACE have new logos. This is thanks to graphic designer Adam Vosmera.

Flo Grattarola has been awarded CZU rector prize for her co-authorship on a paper on “The benefits of contributing to the citizen science platform iNaturalist as an identifier”. Congrats Flo!

We offer a full-time postdoctoral position (starting January 2024, up to 3 years) in a field spanning vegetation science, biodiversity, ecological statistics, and geographical information systems. The candidate will join the international team of Dr. Petr Keil at the Dpt. of Spatial Sciences at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic.

Research project and topic: The research will be part of 3-year project GRACE (“GRAssland Communities Experiment (GRACE): 300 years of insight from a large-scale natural experiment”, 2024-2026). GRACE is a joint grant from the Austrian FWF and Czech GACR, with co-PIs Adam Clark (University of Graz) and Petr Keil (CZU, Prague), and cooperation partners Franz Essl at Uni. Vienna and Hana Skokanová at VUKOZ, Brno. Other external collaborators include Helge Bruelheide and Ute Jandt at Uni. Halle (Germany), Stefan Dullinger at Uni. Vienna, and Milan Chytrý at Masaryk University Brno, as well as the European Vegetation Archive (EVA) and its ReSurveyEurope initiatives.

The research focuses on tracking interactive dynamics of landscapes and grassland plant communities, based on the natural experiment arising from differences in landscape structure along the Austrian-Czech border region.

Job description: The work will be mostly computational, with an opportunity to participate in summer fieldwork (optional). It will use the European Vegetation Archive data, historical land use data, and data from our own field surveys. This work will involve data cleaning and management, programming, and custom-tailored statistical analyses (in R, Python, Julia, or similar). There will be intensive use of geographic information systems (GIS). The postdoc will work with collaborators in Brno, Graz, and Vienna. Apart from being the lead author on papers and presenting on conferences, the postdoc will help with organization of meetings with the project co-PIs.

How to apply? Details, requirements, salary, and application instructions are here. Application deadline is 31th of October 2023.

We’ve been awarded a 3-year project GRACE (“GRAssland Communities Experiment (GRACE): 300 years of insight from a large-scale natural experiment”, 2024-2026). GRACE is a joint grant from the Austrian FWF and Czech GACR, with co-PIs Adam Clark (University of Graz) and Petr Keil (CZU, Prague), and cooperation partners Franz Essl at Uni. Vienna and Hana Skokanová at VUKOZ, Brno. Other external collaborators include Helge Bruelheide and Ute Jandt at Uni. Halle (Germany), Stefan Dullinger at Uni. Vienna, and Milan Chytrý at Masaryk University Brno, as well as the European Vegetation Archive (EVA) and its ReSurveyEurope initiatives.

The research focuses on tracking interactive dynamics of landscapes and grassland plant communities, based on the natural experiment arising from differences in landscape structure along the Austrian-Czech border region.

CZU and MOBI lab will host one full-time postdoc position funded from GRACE. We will also be looking for a field botanist for the 2024 and 2025 vegetation season. Get in touch if you know your plants and you’re looking for a seasonal summer job!


Frieda has joined our lab for her PhD to investigate universal relationships between biodiversity change and its reflection in static biodiversity data across various groups of organisms at macro scales.

Frieda did her master studies at iDiv (Leipzig, Germany) with Renske Onstein, which resulted in a paper in New Phytologist! More on Frieda’s website.


A significant part of MOBI lab (Carmen, Francois, Flo, Petr) attended the 2023 annual meeting of Ecological Society of America in Portland, Oregon. More than 4,000 visitors, massive poster session, workshops (thanks NASA!), and I must admit that we all nailed our talks! I was initially worried that it will be thematically too broad, but in the end I loved almost all of it, it was an intense and motivating experience.

These were our talk titles:

  • Grattarola F, Bowler D, Keil P: Assessing hotspots of geographic range changes for charismatic carnivores in the Neotropics using Integrated Species Distribution Models (ISDM)

  • Soria C, Pacifici M, Butchard S, Rondinini C: Latitude, environmental conditions, and traits influence mammal and bird responses to climate change

  • Leroy F, Jarzyna M, Keil P: Decomposing temporal changes of biodiversity to loss, survival, and recruitment of individuals - a cross-scale analysis of Northern-American breeding birds

  • Keil P, Clark A, Bartak V, Leroy F: Connecting spatial scaling of biodiversity change to ecological processes: Allee effect, Janzen-Connell effect, target effect, and beyond

