Frieda Wölke, Carmen Soria, Francois Leroy and Petr Keil attended the GfÖ Macroecology meeting in Marburg conference (12.-14. June 2024) at University of Marburg in Germany.

Francois gave a talk:

  • Leroy F, Jarzyna M, Keil P: Acceleration and demographic rates of bird decline in North America

We also had posters:

  • Wölke F, Soria C, Ortega G, Ueta M, Šťastný K, Bejček V, Mikuláš I, Keil P: Towards predicting temporal biodiversity changes from static patterns

  • Carmen D. Soria, Ortega G, Barták V, Wölke F, Ueta M, Šťastný K, Bejček V, Mikuláš I, Voříšek P, Keil P: Patterns of spatial autocorrelation for species distributions and diversity across time and spatial scales

  • Keil P, Grattarola F, Leroy F, Ortega G, Soria C, Wolke F: Nature in a mesh: common problems with gridded biodiversity data, and proposed solutions
