A significant part of MOBI lab (Carmen, Francois, Flo, Petr) attended the 2023 annual meeting of Ecological Society of America in Portland, Oregon. More than 4,000 visitors, massive poster session, workshops (thanks NASA!), and I must admit that we all nailed our talks! I was initially worried that it will be thematically too broad, but in the end I loved almost all of it, it was an intense and motivating experience.

These were our talk titles:

  • Grattarola F, Bowler D, Keil P: Assessing hotspots of geographic range changes for charismatic carnivores in the Neotropics using Integrated Species Distribution Models (ISDM)

  • Soria C, Pacifici M, Butchard S, Rondinini C: Latitude, environmental conditions, and traits influence mammal and bird responses to climate change

  • Leroy F, Jarzyna M, Keil P: Decomposing temporal changes of biodiversity to loss, survival, and recruitment of individuals - a cross-scale analysis of Northern-American breeding birds

  • Keil P, Clark A, Bartak V, Leroy F: Connecting spatial scaling of biodiversity change to ecological processes: Allee effect, Janzen-Connell effect, target effect, and beyond

