Florencia Grattarola

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Flo is an Uruguayan biologist, doing research in macroecology and biodiversity informatics focused on the study of spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity. She’s also the founder of Biodiversidata, a member of the JULANA NGO, the admin for the NaturalistaUY site, and a NatGeoExplorer.

Flo’s research at MOBI lab focuses on large-scale temporal dynamics of geographic distributions of mammals in Latin America. For this she uses cutting-edge Bayesian models and large data compilations that she’s put together thanks to her massive network of collaborators across Latin America.


MIAU: An analysis-ready dataset on presence-only and presence-absence data of Neotropical carnivores (Mammalia, Carnivora) from 2000 to 2021

A continental-wide decline of occupancy and diversity in five Neotropical carnivores

SPARSE 1.0 - a template for databases of species inventories, with an open example of Czech birds

Integrating presence-only and presence–absence data to model changes in species geographic ranges: An example in the Neotropics

Scale mismatches between predictor and response variables in species distribution modelling: A review of practices for appropriate grain selection